‘I was honoured to lead the abbey procession as the lamp bearer’


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Apr 19, 2024

‘I was honoured to lead the abbey procession as the lamp bearer’

Source: Westminster Abbey Ruheana Begum, who led the lamp procession at Westminster Abbey on International Nurses’ Day, spoke to Nursing Times about her role as a theatre matron and Florence

Source: Westminster Abbey

Ruheana Begum, who led the lamp procession at Westminster Abbey on International Nurses’ Day, spoke to Nursing Times about her role as a theatre matron and Florence Nightingale scholar

“I have the privilege of working behind the scenes in the operating theatres of a large teaching hospital.

“Fundamentally, my role as a theatre matron is to ensure our patients receive high quality care that is safe, effective and well led.”

“Working in the operating theatres is fascinating! At times its high pressured, time critical and challenging.

“Every single day, I am stimulated and empowered to think collaboratively with our nurses, surgeons and anaesthetists for the best interest of our patients. Team work is central to everything we do.”

“Having suffered a family bereavement as a child, I was drawn to the values of the NHS constitutions and those that worked within it.

“My nurse training was exceptional and provided me with an opportunity to learn evidence based concepts of providing holistic care.”

“Amidst the uncertain times of the pandemic, an opportunity presented itself for a theatre matron. Desperately conscious of the surgery waiting lists, and the significant impact this role would have on aiding Covid recovery.

“I took a brave step and submitted my application, I was delighted to be successful and provide leadership support, stability, and assurance to my team that we were going get through this challenging time together.

“I am learning every day, and am enjoying the new challenges of the role.”

“In 2019, I had the privilege of embarking on a leadership scholarship with the Florence Nightingale Foundation. Here, I met the most remarkable nurse leaders of our time.

“Becoming a scholar unlocked a wealth of opportunity, and provided life changing resources that have directly impacted on my career.

“The 21 scholars, continue to shape, build and contribute to my everyday practice. They are the best.”

“I recognise as a leader, I may not have all the answers. The best part of my role is being able to lead with empowerment, treat each member of my team, authentically, individually and put the patient at the heart of every decision we make together.”

“On 12th May 2021 – International Nurses Day, I was honoured to lead the procession at the Florence Nightingale Commemoration Service as the Lamp Bearer. It was one of the highlights of my career, and a privilege of a life time.”

“I am passionate about leading change, transformation and aspire to publish research in theatre culture.

“I would like to bring the nursing voice to the forefront of health policy and shape nursing reform for future generations and our patients.”

“To be a nurse, you must be prepared for hard work. Believe in yourself, be courageous, be brave and you will never look back.”

Name: Ruheana Begum

Job title: Theatre matron (day surgery)

Employer: Guys and St Thomas’s NHS Foundation Trust

Main responsibilities: Responsible for three day surgery units, 11 operating theatres, 25 recovery beds, a lithotripsy suite, admission and discharge lounges

Salary (or range/band): Band 8 A

Average hours worked: 37.5

Career history: Roles in scrub, recovery and anaesthetic nursing, clinical educator role, sister in day surgery unit redeployment to critical care, GSTFT; specialist advisor for surgery and critical care, Care Quality Commission

Qualifications: Diploma in adult nursing; mentorship in nursing practice; BSc healthcare practice; Florence Nightingale Foundation Leadership Scholarship; Essential Management Skills for Emerging Leaders, Harvard University

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